Monday, November 29, 2010

Selling Without Selling Out

Dave Hickey an art critic gave a speech about the art world today. Hickey says that today the art world in the past 3 or 4 years has no rules. There are people who like art better than money, but the only bad thing is that there are a lot of artists who like money better than art, and this is a problem. There has never been a better chance to gain attention by acting honorably because a lot of people aren't and you would stand out. All you do is lose money by doing the honorable thing, and perhaps your art could be around for hundreds of years.  People are fascinated with money and not being right. Art dealers pride themselves on creating real value, but with the money and inflation of prices of art there is no real value.
Listening to this podcast his speech spoke to me about morals and the world today not just in an art sense. Today I feel that people are focused on making money, and finding success. Everyone is just out for themselves and no one is concerned for their community anymore. Society is just about one-up'ing everyone else. In our country, everyone is focused on money- the government, the education system, families, communities, art, and pretty much every aspect of the US. He is saying that today's artists as a whole have no morals and most don't even like art- they are just in it for the fame and the money. Inflation seems to be a huge problem in contemporary time, money inflation is shown through art in that pricing of art is ten fold of what the art is actually worth, there is no more value in todays society. I enjoyed his speech. I felt it was well rounded and not solely focused on just art which gave it more context and easier to comprehend and digest to someone who isn't well educated in the art world.

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