Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Changes in the Art World- Lead to Changes in Art

We learned in class by lectures and the movie "Curse of the Mona Lisa" that there have been many changes in the art world which have led to changes in art itself. Artists themselves are now becoming popular instead of the works themselves becoming popular. Museums over time have changed and have become a brand and have branched outwards into different parts of the world, they have changed in physical appearance and the purpose of museums have now changed.
Before taking this course I honestly knew very little about everything that we have learned thus far- but I have been to my fair share of museums. Robert Hues the art director of the movie commented saying how now when going into a museum at this day in age, everyone can't help but ask how much is this piece of artwork worth. I disagree as much as Hues has great points about the art world and art itself changing and how museums are now in motion, I think that there are still a great portion of people who appreciate art for what its worth. For myself, my close friends, and my family, when we travel the first things we're interested in seeing are the great museums and the great pieces of artwork. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but being a history lover it interests me so much that there are pieces of art that go back so far. I think what the artists paint, sculpt, or whatever form of art they are doing show so much of what was going on in that time and place in history. I think it is sad that museums and artwork are becoming so commercialized that there are now cafes and computer rooms in  museums, but personally I never go there, so who cares if they put that in there? If you are the type of person to want to go to the cafe's and the computer rooms then thats great for you, but not everyone is like that. One great addition to museums that I thoroughly enjoy is how they have gift shops. I like the gift shops  not for the iconic t-shirts with paintings put on it, but because they usually have great books and literature on the artists, and paintings themselves which can add to your knowledge of the museum, artist, and artwork itself.
All in all there have been some changes to the art world and art itself, and yes people can view this as positive or negative, but the world is an ever changing place. If everything stayed the same and everyone and every art piece was the same the world would be a boring place. So I say we just accept the changes for what they are and deal with it according to whatever you find fitting for you. For me I don't care about the price of art, or who owns the piece, I care about the artist and the background behind the art work and the history behind it and the meaning it holds.

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