Monday, November 29, 2010


In class we discussed a new term for art- ultramodernism. The term was coined by Nicolas Bourrioud who noticed a globalization of art and that today the reach of art is further and broader. Ultramodernism is harder to discuss, understand and categorize. Artists under the spectrum of this new term sometimes work as a social worker in that they represent movements and journeys of culture, time and space and aspects of technology and communication. An example of this kind of art and artist is Andrea Zittel who looks at furniture and their habitats and thinks of space and economy and the difference between freedom and property and human values and perception.
In my searches on the internet to learn more about this newly coined term, I came across a website Dream Designs: 10 Ultramodern Homes. This website demonstrate ultramodern art through the medium of architecture. Many artists know that when they imagine and construct these ultramodern homes that they may never be built in the real world. These homes represent a blast from the future, and this website demonstrates ten architects who have actually brought these incredible ultramodern houses to life.

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