Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Nicolas Bourriaud is a French curator and art critic. In his publication Postproduction, Bourriaud relates djing to contemporary art. He lists the operations disc-jockeys apply to music and relates them to contemporary art practices. Throughout the eighties, the computer has given djs the opportunity to play with music by taking old pieces and creating new songs. Bourriaud claims that songs are no longer safe and often are being now used as building materials for new songs. We see the comparison to contemporary art because the art that is being produced is something new itself, but the pieces originated from other works. Any DJ today bases his or her work on the basis of older songs. My generation is used to hearing "remixed" music and reading this made me take a second look at the work. I defiantly can by Bourriauds argument and it helps me relate better to contemporary artwork after reading his work.

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