Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Animal Inside

Just when you think art can not get any stranger Marcus Coates comes up with a new piece. His performance art stretches the word to the maximum as he parades around with animal skins on making noises as if he were the animal. Becoming an animal is in the thoughts of many people, but Coates is taking that to the next level. He truly believes that by taking the time to try and interact with species that he may be able to communicate with them. He feels if he had the power to communicate with animals the world could learn so much more them. Watching his performances is a odd experience, but the passion he shows while performing made me think more about animal relations. In his performances he even related the social issues such as the bad relations between Israel and Palestine to the relations between birds. Many may view his work as ridiculous, but when the viewer gives him a chance and tries to understand his message, his work is very interesting.

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