Thursday, November 11, 2010

Illegal Artist

Major cities are often flooded with graffiti all over the sides of building, bridges, and etc. One particular artist Banksy makes a career out of graffiti art that he is not permitted to do. His work is seen over a vast portion of the world and every work he does has some sort of representation behind it. When viewing this artist's work for the first time i was very impressed with his work. Not one work was the same as the other and each had an underlying message about what he felt was wrong in society. One such work included a vulture on a wall by water whose head was replaced with a gasoline pump. I found this very interesting and it was obvious that the artist was attempting to make a point that oil has polluted a lot of water and beaches. His message which lies within his works really speaks to its viewers. Instead of actually saying what he feels out loud he instead chooses to graffiti his thoughts. The illegality of the work makes this artist very interesting because he is willing to break the law in order to get his message out.

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