Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Change in Art Culture

When the Mona Lisa first arrived in America many critics had no way of foreseeing the type of impact it would have on the future art industry. Soon after he arrival art was seen as beautiful if the price tag listed it at an amount that put the viewer in aw. Focused turned to the price tag of art for significance rather then the natural beauty which previously was enough to move viewers. Critic Robert Hughes explains that "art has a new job which is to sit in museums so i can gain recognition and ultimately become more expensive." Price tags on well known art are way out of the league of museum capabilities and wall street investors are buying these pieces up. Rise in prices has led to museums to not showcase certain works which is unfair to viewers who are unable to see these artworks. The culture has shifted from one of viewings in museums to one were on wealthy investors have the opportunity to enjoy the large ticket items they are purchasing. These changes in art have made freedom of access come to a loss and there is no foresight of this ever turning around to what viewing art used to be before the Mona Lisa made its visit to America.

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