Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Globalization of Art

Due to the result of technology we are now working as a global community and art is a moving force of social and cultural means. There is a cross pollinations of thoughts and ideas and artists are out of the studio and making statements and commenting on culture and are relating to their world in an exterior sense. Although this may seem like a good thing, now many places are trying to reclaim what they feel is their cultural past. For example the Greeks are now feeling the absence of the Elgin Marbles. They were removed from the Acropolis at the beginning of the 19th century, and are a priceless example of ancient Greek religious art, but the British Museum doesn't want to give them back. According to Greece it has been 200 years since the 90 pieces were taken from the Acropolis in the center of Athens and in that time span the state of Greece wants their marble statues back and the British Museum doesn't want to return them. The Greeks are angry because they feel that the British have no right to keep their most important cultural symbols, and believe that antiquities must stay in their homes. The British Museum argues that they are in far better shape than what was left behind partly due to more favorable conditions in Britain and partly because they were in a museum were people took care of them and in Athens what was left behnd on the Acropolis where the pollution has ravaged them.

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