Monday, December 6, 2010

Research and Art

While learning about Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla in class I found that their collaborative art was most interesting due to the fact that they incorporated research into their art. They said that research is important to them because it lets them learn something about the world. They are interested in looking at different backgrounds of people and cultures in places around the world and how they work. I find this artistic process riveting because of the fact that they really learn about culture through the research that they do. Loving history and being a history major Allor and Calzadillas process of art lures me in because they are looking at some places culture learning about the history and the current events and then translating that into their work. To me it shows educational value and a form of art that will last throughout time because it represents an alternate way of looking at someone's culture that you may not know too much about.

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