Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Collaboration of Artists

All of the previous artists that we have viewed in class worked on materials based of solely their ideas. Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla work as one artist in their studio to devise new works of art. When they join together to create new works they research much about their interests and often times the worlds reactions help them to form their response. Both argue with each other until they both agree on the outcome of their work serving as a way to correct their piece making it perfect in the end. I especially was drawn to one piece of work that we viewed in class. It showed a video of a man who attached a motor to an upside down that was in the water. He used this table as his boat and the authors related this table to politics and their ability to not see the other side of things. For me it was very interesting to take an object and create something completely new from it and relate it to a current issue which people can relate to. These two artist collaborate together to come up with very interesting works that move the viewer to look at objects in ways they never before imagined.

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