Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Picasso- The Innovator of Different Textures

Pablo Picasso was one of the first people to adhere different textures and materials to his paintings. Pablo Picasso was a spanish born artist, but who lived most of his adult life in France. His revolutionary artistic accomplishments made him one of the best known artists in the 20th century. Synthetic cubism started for Picasso in about 1912-1919, and it followed analytical cubism in which neutral tones were used but he took apart objects and analyzed them in their shape, he pasted wallpaper and newspaper clippings onto his artwork and made the first "collage" in fine art. In his synthetic cubism, Picassos art was built up from figures seen from different angles when they were viewed when taken apart or viewed from another angle all at the same time. He put pieces of paper and string onto his pictures. In one of his most famous paintings "Still Life With Chair Caning"(1912) was one of his first attempts at using different materials and textures and the idea of collages and different views of images. In this painting Picasso glued onto the canvas an oil cloth that made the back of the chair caning more real look . The edge of the painting was a rope instead of a traditional frame.

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