Wednesday, October 13, 2010

'I’m Still Here' is a Deception

Performance art has started in the 1960's, it was a backlash to minimalist. The conceptual concept was the piece itself whether it be music, dance, or whatever medium that artist produces. Its live and has no guide lines, its experimental and not a consumer product. Performance art has changed a lot throughout time. Casey Affleck did a documentary on Joaquin Phoenix and it came to be found that Phoenix was just doing an elaborate performance, and so this now was a mockumentary and therefor it was Phoenix's performance art. The alleged documentary was aimed to show the deterioration of the mind and body of Joaquin Phoenix from supposed drug induced raps, to his belligerent appearance on David Letterman. Phoenix committed himself to this performance art for 2 years, he altered his body by gaining weight and growing facial hair. He was so into character that he fooled the audience and Letterman when acting to be under the influence of alcohol.

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