Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Apartment of Art

Collecting is type of art that takes a lot of passion and time to acquire many pieces of art. Most of this type of art is held by people who have large sums of money that they are willing to pay for various works of art. A couple, Herb and Dorothy Vogel however are a unique type of collector that through hard work has led to their collection become one of the tops in the field. They both have been collecting as a team for the past 45 years and have acquired around 4,000 works by using Dorothy's salary for their personal use and Herb's salary for money to be used to purchase art. Herb is a retired Postal worker and Dorothy is a retired Librarian so although they don't make large sums of money, bargaining with artists allows them to purchase multiple works a week. After years passed artwork accumulated in their apartment to the point where it was extremely cluttered. They ultimately decided to move their collection to the National Gallery of Art in New York City which took 5 moving trucks to move all their collected items.
The Couple is a huge inspiration to many collectors around the world. They are living proof that you don't need to have a lot of money to build up a solid art collection. Recently a documentary was created about the couple which has been viewed at many film festivals and has caught the respect of many people around the country. They are two amazing people that helped me to get a better feel of the true life of an art collector.

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