Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Art of Collecting Art

Is collecting art about buying expensive pieces? pieces of a certain time? pieces from a certain artist? pieces that just interest you? Collecting art can be something so different to every person doing it. Some feel that the hallmark of a good collector is someone who forms relationships with the art dealers, and keeps track of the artists that they enjoy by talking to them and learning about who they are and why they collect.
20x200 is a website that began through the idea that there are many artists who want to sell their art, and many people interested in buying art, but sometimes just cant find what they are looking for- which is why they created a website so art lovers and artists can find each other through the creators who are so passionate about art. They introduce at least 2 new pieces a week, one photo and one work on paper which are available at multiple sizes. Basically the idea is that this big website is built by many small pieces, having so many artists contribute their works and you are able to purchase great art at only 20 dollars!

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