Monday, October 25, 2010

Art and History

Through the artist Fred Wilson, I have come to see how art can relate to so many things in our lives. I am a History major, and so Fred Wilson's art work was very interesting to me. Wilson no longer feels the desire to work with his hands in art and his method of creating installation art is for his own purposes. He enjoys the juxtaposition of objects, and looks at his work from the cultural and social port of view. He is also about history because that he uses his installation art to be about narrative and to bring different historical objects together to get a different view and a different meaning about the pieces themselves and about the time period they come from. His artwork can bring up emotions of how through his juxtaposition he forces the viewer to look past the previous biases and limitations that cultural aspects have set to our knowledge of history.
In his piece "Mining the Museum" (1992) he transformed Baltimore Historical Society's collection to highlight slavery in America. Through this installation Wilson was said to be a great learning device through which the way he made people think.

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