Monday, October 4, 2010

Contemporary Art- A Second Glance

Before taking this class when I looked at some contemporary art I usually said, "that's not art a 5 year old could do that" but after being in the class for a few weeks I now understand there there is more to art than the mere idea of "beauty" and "talent." Jock Sturges, an american photographer best known for his pictures of adolescents caught my eye when researching contemporary artists. His work sometimes causes controversy when there is nudity. Sturges was born in 1947 in New York City. He worked in San Francisco for many years. He graduated with a BFA in Perceptional Psychology and Photography from Marlboro College and received an MFA in Photography from San Francisco Art Institute. He is a naturist and often takes pictures in California and in France. In Sturges Twenty-Five Years collection the picture Fanny taken in France in 1995 got my attention. The picture is black and white and is of a young girl crouched naked in the water. I was at first disgusted and felt bad for the poor young girl portrayed in the picture. Then after looking at more of Jocks works, and seeing that he is all about the naturalistic views of people and in natural environments I took a second look at the picture and began to see more than just a girl naked in the water. I believe that this picture shows how the girl is timid because she is hiding her body but also that she is proud because she is naked. The look in her eye shows power.

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