Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Do You See?

What is art? Marshall Duchamp strongly tested this idea by making an attempt to broaden the types of art seen in museums. When Duchamp purchased the urinal which he later named "fountain", he saw more than just what the piece was normally used for. He rotated the piece around and it transformed the urinal from looking like something you would see in a restroom to something that is seen in a garden. He wanted to make a point to art critics that it's not just about the art itself but more importantly about what the viewer takes away from the art.

Marshall Duchamp's radical piece puzzled critics all over the world. It offered a new way to look at art and have you're own opinion on what you see. One critic, Guardian Art Critic Johnathan Jones, shared his views on a video which was streamed over the internet. He saw this piece of art as having similar looks to statues of the Virgin Mary which both have close shapes toward the top of each. When he first mentioned this idea I was shocked because I only saw the shape of the piece looking like a fountain. After observing and letting my imagination take over the more i saw the comparison that Jones made. This piece of art changed the whole process in which people look at art. No longer is a piece so conceptual, but now it has transformed into a more contemporary view.

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