Thursday, September 23, 2010

Controlling a Huge Canvas

It amazes me how a person can create such an intricate piece of art on an extremely large canvas. When standing far from the canvas it is easier to get a sense of where certain aspects should go but when you get within inches of the large canvas it must be easy to lose track. Alison Watt is a Scottish painter who was given a unique chance of becoming the youngest women to be given a solo exhibition at the Scottish national Gallery of modern art. She constructed 12 huge paintings all by herself which consisted of white fabrics. If you take a more analytical look, to make the fabric look real she incorporated many different kinds of whites to bring the true colors out in the shading and other sections. When I first viewed her finished work I was very impressed. The detail that she put in to each work was incredible and the focus required to paint that large amount of area amazed me. Some artists such as John Koons hires a team of artists to take turns and paint each individual section of his large paintings. To have the ability to paint such a large canvas humbles me and makes me appreciate the work Miss Watt has done for her exhibition.

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