Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can Art be Taught?

I believe that many students, professors, and teachers on all levels would believe that the definition of "teaching", "education", and "art" are all three terms that have no boundaries. In my opinion what makes a good educational setting is that the students are motivated, challenged, and engaged. So now can art in specificity be taught and learned?  And should art be considered one of the main subjects in education along with math, science, and english? I feel that many educators, artists, and lovers of art would all have different feelings on this matter. Personally, I feel that the history of art should be taught, art tells a lot about the time period that you are focussing on. Looking at different types of art, and the lives of the artists, can show a lot about what was going on socially, economically, politically, and religiously. The appreciation of art in all its different forms; painting, sculpting, music, videos, photographs, etc. is something that I feel makes people more worldly in a sense that they can see differences among time, culture, and all different demographics. I feel that the teaching of art can get a little questionable with art now a days with conceptual art and commercial art. I believe that the definition and description of conceptual art can be delivered to a student, but that it shouldn't be necessary to look at someone's art such as Dash Snow whose pictures display sex and drugs. To have knowledge about a person's art and be aware of it, is different than being fully educated in it.

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