Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Pursuit of Art- Personal or Not?

To pursue something is to seek to attain or accomplish a goal. So when an artist is pursuing their artwork what is their ultimate goal? Is it to make money, to shake up society, to send a message, or is it personal? Artist Vija Celmins is all about the process of art, for example she has been working on a painting of a cosmic scene for over a year. She sands over the panting and has done that nine times and tries to articulate it at the time she is currently doing it, and if she loses the idea or image that she is currently trying to articulate which she deems sometimes does happen, she redoes it. In this process the painting becomes a memory and a dense feelings at the end. She always has an image of what she would like to do and she builds the art from the beginning. She builds on a painting and the changes that occur is directly related to what is going on in her own life. She often repeats images such as an ocean and does it in different materials. She is all about labor and craftsmanship and the process of art. Celmins isnt looking to have a certain product at the end of her painting, her process is personal and its about representing what she is thinking and feeling at the time of doing the painting.

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