Friday, September 24, 2010

Beauty and It's Effect on the World

In the article " Enter the Dragon; On the Vernacular of Beauty" by Dave Hickey, he discusses beauty and what it has done to the world. Although I have to admit I found this article to be a bit wordy and scrambled and I had a hard time following it- I thought that there were good messages behind his article. Hickey feels that beauty is the beholder to what makes a person drawn to art, what makes a person feel something when looking at art, and what makes art sellable. He points out that many people who want to buy art are focused on the aesthetics of the work and not really the meaning behind it. Beauty gives access to the art world to all regular people and he advocates the famous saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Hickey was recently published in Newsweek as being "The Bad Boy of Art." (Dave Hickey: The Bad Boy of Art)

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