Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Perspective Art

There are many artists and critics who can give us a greater idea and definition of perspective art. Arthur Danto an art critic, believes that we have reached the end of art in the 1980's. Danto says that the line between art objects and regular objects has dissipated. Danto from seeing Andy Warhol's brillo box's and the idea of consumerism of making ark, believes that anything can be art. The pure form of beauty still attracts him, but he also believes that you must look behind the paint, and look at the philosophical meaning behind the work. Damien Hirst a British artist did the artwork "The Physical Impossibility of Death of Someone Living" that was recently put into the MET. He was part of the "Brit Pack" and was discovered over night. His work took a shark and preserved it. It plays on human emotion and its about death and danger and creates conditions for the work of art. The original shark started to not look as preserved so they re-did it, but it was ok because with conceptual art, anyone can recreate the idea, its your confrontation with the piece of work. Another person who can give us an idea of what perspective art is, is Milton Glazer. He was known for his graphic design. He took a look at what is art, and what is not. He said that art is important as a survival mechanism, you are respected as an artist and it is the most powerful instrument for survival. Art makes you reengage reality of what you think things are and what it actually is. He defines beauty as what moves us to attentiveness. And yet another person who gives us another perspective is Jonathan Jones, he blogged about if great art can make you ill. It is called "Stendhal" syndrome and its a physical reaction to art, especially in Italian art, because the beauty of Italian art is addictive.

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